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 1. Coté & Charles  Episode 08 - Learning from Open Source  DrunkAndRetired Variety Show 
 2. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast334: One to One Learning with Open Source Netbooks is Practical, Affordable and Powerful - Learn Why  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 3. Alex Ragone and arvind grover  EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #19: A discussion about community portals and open source software with Richard Kassissieh from http://www.kassblog.com/  EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #19: Richard Kassissieh 
 4. Alternageek  Alternageek Episode 46: Open Source For The Win  Alternageek.com 
 5. Coté & Charles  Episode 84 - Comics and Open Source  DrunkAndRetired.com Podcast - Better Than Half the Stuff Out There 
 6. Chris Craft  open source episode 9 changing back to windows  Chris Craft's Album 
 7. Coté & Charles Lowell  Episode 133 - Off to Finland, Locked up in iPhone Land, JavaFX, UIs in Open Source  DrunkAndRetired.com Podcast - Better Than Half the Stuff Out There 
 8. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 111 - Projity Announces OpenProj, the Open Source Replacement of Microsoft Project  The PMO Podcast 
 9. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 111 - Projity Announces OpenProj, the Open Source Replacement of Microsoft Project  The PMO Podcast 
 10. CMC Media  CM Today Includes Open-Xchange Deploys Largest Open Source Software Customer Win in History   
 11. MFG Baden-Württemberg  05 / Open Source  MFG Innovationcast 
 12. Wesley Fryer  Open Source in IT  Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 13. Chris DeBona  Open Source  IT Conversations 
 14. CHANDLER, Kerri  Open Source  Computer Games The Unreleased Files: Expansion Pack 0.4 
 15. violet blue  open source sex #9  podcasts 
 16. violet blue  open source sex 16  open source sex 
 17. Clarise, Joseph & Bernard  Why Open Source  Open Source Conversations 
 18. violet blue  open source sex 16  open source sex 
 19. violet blue  open source sex 17  open source sex 
 20. violet blue  open source sex 59  open source sex 
 21. Python Software Foundation  IP Open Source  PyCon 2007 
 22. Christopher Lydon  open source 051020  Open Source 
 23. Bob Sutor  Open Source is Adoptable  Bob Sutor's Open Blog - 2006 
 24. Bob Sutor  Part 3: Open Source  Open Standards vs. Open Source 
 25. Bob Sutor  Part 3: Open Source  Open Standards vs. Open Source 
 26. Christopher Lydon  open source 051010.mp3  Open Source 
 27. Harold J. Johnson  Open Source Schizo  Something that Happened 
 28. Harold J. Johnson  Open Source Schizo  Something that Happened 
 29. Stephen Downes  The Metauniversity and Open Source  Open Source for Education in Europe1 
 30. CCC Erfa Ulm  DR12: Open Source  /dev/radio 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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